Das Ende aller Dinge

I have always had a problem with the end of things, ever since I was a child: the end of a good movie, the last bite of a good pizza, the end of the summer holidays have always made me miserable.

“The end of all things”, as Kant says, represents one of those philosophical problems that reason cannot solve but must nevertheless address. It is an amphiboly, a conceptual short-circuit that arises from the insoluble question of the meaning and direction of human action in the world and thus of history. If history had no meaning, if it were nothing more than a “theatrical drama without an epilogue”, then reason would have to abandon any principle that could guide its practical aims. While from the metaphysical point of view one cannot imagine the end of all things - for it would be a matter of conceiving a moment when time ceases to be time in time and passes into eternity - from the practical standpoint such a concept must be translated into an effort to find a meaning in the light of which one can go on in the darkness of the future. There are situations where the end is not necessarily a source of sadness, and NextEdu 2022 is such a case. It is, if anything, a new beginning for our Turin cohort that we cannot wait for!

First of all, check out these two articles: Escape4Change was featured in Vanity Fair Italia, and GraphoGame, which has helped 4 million children learn to read, was named Helsinki’s hottest startups by Wired.

The world of education is changing faster than ever before, and education technology has the opportunity to improve the learning outcomes of hundreds of millions of children and adults worldwide. Considering that the top three advantages of online learning over offline learning are cost, convenience and scalability, I am excited that scaling these solutions will elevate the quality of education to its enormous potential.

Some results already exist. Wonderly has presented its product to many schools in Turin as part of the Torino City Labs project, and the kids loved it! 3D Bear has opened its first virtual space, Usophy Kids is helping UNICEF by exchanging books with nuns in Bhutan and GILO Technologies will conduct pilots from January to May across Europe! This is just the tip of the iceberg for these startups: there's much more to do! The NextEdu 2022 spring programme is over, but it is the beginning of a new era!

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