Escape Room Photo Book

It was a great experience to participate in the Circular Economy Escape Room, set up by Escape4Change and located next to the xEdu office in the hub of innovation at OGR Torino.

Every year, tonnes of materials and resources enter the global economy to produce food, clothing, technology, electricity and homes. About a third of this material is treated as waste and mostly ends up in landfills. Only a small part is recycled.

Our current way of thinking is based on a linear economic model: make - take - use - dispose. A circular economy is an economic system that aims to reduce waste and promote the continuous reuse and recycling of resources. If we understand the concept of a circular economy, we can all make informed decisions about how materials are consumed and disposed of.

E4C is one of the Cohort 2022 start-ups and aims to raise awareness of social, cultural and environmental issues by creating educational gaming experiences that are in line with the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Many thanks to OGR Torino and Escape4Change for making it all possible! Check out the photos of the event!

Check out the photos of the event!


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